segunda-feira, 14 de agosto de 2017

E Hoje Tem o Kaspa !!!

Resultado de imagem para garry kasparov fotos chess
O Mito
Logo mais as 15:00 hs (Horário de Macaíba-RN), começam os embates do GCT Saint Louis Rapid e Blitz 2017. O evento é um dos mais esperados do ano por toda a comunidade enxadrística mundial, pois conta com a volta do "Mito", do Mago de Bakur, a torneios oficiais. Veja a baixo a lista de participantes e aguardemos por fortes emoções vespertinas.

2017 GCT Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz - Rapid

Organizer(s)Saint Louis Chess Club
FederationUnited States of America ( USA )
Tournament directorTony Rich
Chief ArbiterChristopher Bird (USA 2029162 IA)
ArbiterHendrik du Toit (RSA 14306980 IA), Michael Kummer (USA 2065975 FA)
Time control25 minutes with a 10 second delay from move 1
LocationChess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis
Date2017/08/14 to 2017/08/16
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile
Last update 14.08.2017 03:07:43, Creator/Last Upload: south african chess fed. (licence 1)
Tournament selectionRapidBlitz
LinksOfficial Homepage of the OrganizerLink with tournament calendar
ParametersNo tournament details
ListsStarting rank list of playersAlphabetical listAlphabetical list all groups
StatisticsPlaying schedule
Top five playersTotal statisticsmedal statistics
Excel and PrintPrint listExport to Excel (.xls)Export to Excel (.xlsx)Export to PDF-File

Starting rank list of players

8GMNakamura Hikaru2016192USA2822
4GMKasparov Garry4100018RUS2812
2GMNepomniachtchi Ian4168119RUS2810
9GMDominguez Perez Leinier3503240CUB2803
1GMAronian Levon13300474ARM2794
3GMAnand Viswanathan5000017IND2778
7GMKarjakin Sergey14109603RUS2765
5GMLe Quang Liem12401137VIE2761
10GMNavara David309095CZE2737
6GMCaruana Fabiano2020009USA2700

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